Thursday, July 1, 2021

UpswingPoker -- Let's Play 10NL! Cash Game Pro Moves Down to $0.05/$0.10 on PokerStars

Cash game pro and streamer Gary "GazzyB" Blackwood moves down in stakes to demonstrate a winning strategy in micro stakes games on PokerStars.

Upswing Poker was founded by Doug Polk, Ryan Fee and Matt Colletta to help players begin solid winning players. Learn poker strategy from the world's top No Limit Hold'em players at

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Attempted Robbery at the Cosmopolitan Las Vegas


 '''' When will people ever learn that they can’t beat the house? Another person tried a robbery at the Cosmopolitan recently, but like so many would-be thieves before him, it didn’t work out the way he had hoped.

Earlier this month, a man approached the cash cage at the popular Las Vegas destination. He handed the attendant a note which implied he had a bomb and would detonate it if he was not given $10,000 in casino chips.

Specifically, the note read: “Give me 10k purple or Boom”. The attendant complied, but managed to hit the panic button to alert police. They arrived shortly after and used the casinos surveillance system to locate Ronald Allison, a 51 year old resident of Las Vegas.'''''

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Should You Play 6max or Full Ring? (Most profitable) - BlackRain79Poker

'''' Should you play 6max or full ring? Which one is more profitable? Both are actually pretty equally profitable. You will find large amounts of fish in both formats.

However, there are significant strategic differences between 6max and full ring. 6max is more of an action game with more bluffing and thinner edges.

Whereas full ring is more of a nitty absolute hand strength type of game where people typically only give lots of action with a really strong hand.

Which one you should play really depends on you and which one you personally enjoy the most. ''' .......